The ultimate goal of Virtual Reality is to make you feel like the game or experience you’re enjoying isn’t virtual at all! When an experience ceases to feel like a game it becomes exponentially more thrilling, more exciting, and more memorable.

The feeling of a VR environment being perceived as real is often described as ‘Presence’ - it’s the quality that developers most strive to attain.

At IVR, you will experience ‘Presence’ like never before. Featuring high-end PCs, commercial grade headsets, haptic suits, guns with recoil, motion based simulation, artificial wind, and MUCH more, our goal is to bring you a zero compromises, cutting-edge VR experience right here in the Highlands.

So come visit us and forget reality for a little while - we can take you virtually anywhere…

Contact us


Phone Number: 07738053730

Twitter account: @johnsmwatts (John I-VR)

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